
Below are resources developed by Ҵý and/or our partners and stakeholders engaged in efforts to achieve global health equity.

OGHE Student Handbook

Office of Global Health Equity Training Program Handbook

The Global Learners' Handbook serves as an overall guide for the Ҵý office of Global Health Equity global learners. It contains resources for international travels, country regulations, health, safety, and pre-travel orientation information. View .

Saporta Rport

A Chance to Get it Right: Addressing the Invisible Scars of Ebola Using Culturally Informed and Community Engaged Strategies

 In 2016, in the wake of the worst Ebola outbreak in recorded history, Gilberte (“Gigi”) Bastien, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Associate Director of Office of Global Health Equity at Ҵý School of Medicine spent nearly a year in Liberia as a Fogarty Global Health Fellow seeking to better understand the psychosocial sequelae of the Ebola virus and disease (EVD) for affected populations. View .

The PAHO Independent Commission’s Executive Summary on Equity and Health Inequalities

The PAHO Independent Commission’s Executive Summary on Equity and Health Inequalities

Released in September 2018, this groundbreaking set of recommendations that will provide new ways of understanding, prioritizing and improving health equity across the Americas. The summary presents evidence and data for monitoring and evaluating the reduction in inequities and inequalities. Dr. David Satcher, Founding Director of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Ҵý School of Medicine, is a member of this Commission. Ҵý School of Medicine was recently honored to host the PAHO Commission on its campus as part of its fact-finding mission. View Executive Summary 

Global Strategy

The Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030

The Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030 is primarily aimed at planners and policy-makers of Member States, but its contents are of value to all relevant stakeholders in the health workforce area, including public and private sector employers, professional associations, education and training institutions, labour unions, bilateral and multi- lateral development partners, international organizations, and civil society. View report 

African Traditional Medicine Day

19th Annual African Traditional Medicine Day

Traditional medicine is as old as mankind, as old as pain. If Africa is the cradle of humanity and hence the land of civilizations, of all civilizations; the continent knew with intelligence and dignity how to manage the health of men across all continents for more than 300,000 years before the arrival of white people only 12,000 years ago. View Message from the President of Prometra International.